Darkness Down Below

When covid hit things seemed really scary for a lot of people. Anybody that had any type of a compromise lung felt some fear. There was a new menace that was on the horizon and with the way the governments were reacting it seemed like a credible clear and present danger. There was no vaccine, there was a wide spread outbreak and there was government officials coordinating around the world to get every single person to start wearing a mask.

With enough time there was a pretty good show of people that supported the masks and who had fallen in line and did what they were supposed to do as good citizens. Little did they know that this was just a test. It was a test to benchmark what it would take to do a global transition or change of people in the way that they do things and how long it would take.

You see, it was desired to have a benchmark for such a endeavor is this because of the rising threat of global warming. We are on a time limit with our planet here and it's going to expire sooner than people think. And then as sooner then the governments are openly acknowledging.

So essentially the crux of the issue is we have 8 billion people on the planet and the surveys and the research that we're done indicate that the planet could sustain three to five billion only. By sustain I mean not increased greenhouse gases and still be able to feed everybody and live with some standard of living similar to what we are now.

So this means, that we have a projected 11 billion people on the planet by 2050. That's a big jump and it's looking like that could be a reality. What we will see is those population jumps will not occur and industrialized and modernized cities but it will occur in the third world countries where starvation is already a threat. The desertification of arid soil will become problematic as more and more people need more and more food but less and less available.

We are heading for a massive massive issue with regards to the planet and it's sustainability. There is the notion that with the way the temperature is rising and how fast did the glaciers are melting way faster than anybody had ever anticipated that there is a very real danger that by 2100 Antarctica will be melted.

If this is the case all of that water will go into the sea and it will further global warming because that fresh water going in will actually heat up the ocean a little bit faster. The ocean levels will rise and we will lose all of our coastal cities and and some spots will lose big chunks of land as the natural terrain barriers between the ocean and the land get overflowed it will create giant seas or basins of water within America and other countries.

This issue will cause further problems with regards to population because those coastal cities will be flooded people will have to move inland and those inland cities will become overcrowded and there will be less soil again to draw food from. The world will become into a giant crisis and the governments will lose control.

A society breaks down due to these outrageous conditions and the degradation of the standard of living combined with wild weather cycles and extremes that had never been accounted before as of the magnetic poles shift and trade places all kinds of issues will occur as the planet's restabilizes

The challenge is if we don't get onto the global warming and we get to that point where Antarctica melts the world is dying. It will be in a snowball effect that the problem will get worse and worse and worse faster and faster and it will get up such a magnitude that no matter what we do we will not be able to stop it. We will not be able to stop the end of the world coming once it's gone far enough it no amount of human actions will undo the damage that had been done.

So, the government officials had to make a decision. Only the top executive new in any of the major developed nations. Absolutely secrecy was kept with just a few countries even aware of what was about to happen. They dropped covid as a test to see how fast they can get the world to mobilize against the threat. They wanted to know how fast they could get the entire world to make a change and have them embrace it without their being civil unrest.

The benchmarking that they did was able to give them a length of time that people can be expected to stay inside their houses before they start wanting to riot. The other metrics were how fast the nations could be mobilized to adopt new policies like wearing masks and not going as a hospitals and travel bans all of that stuff. They were able to get a good handle on the speed that we could manage such a change but it was important to do it right then for a specific reason.

Covid needed to go before the AI dropped. They wanted to see how much that AI will be able to actually improve those types of measures in a non-interruptive way. The AI will be able to invade everybody's lives to a degree that we've never been invaded before it will be able to collect and make decisions off of the data of everything that we do.

To think that somebody will have control over this is naive because you look at phones already and there's no control there's viruses and all kinds of compromises that happen simply by knowing if somebody's phone number. So with that the idea that the AI will be able to be boxed in and controlled is a fallacy.

So with this AI being able to be integrated into all of our lives so much that we will all be very dependent on it by 2050. At 2050 around there we will see a major shift in covid and it's going to start really reducing our population as it gets more viral and violent. The first rounds of covid are focused on the elderly. That was a specific target because it was viewed from an ethical and moral perspective that they could get a reduction in population without feeling like they're doing anything too bad because they're just taking out the people that are about to go out anyway.

By doing so they opened up a lot of hospital room again and Holmes that have spaces that they never used to have. But they also were able to remove some of the more vulnerable population through this system. That is why it was conveniently targeting elderly people rather than young people because it's just couldn't be justified if a whole bunch of kids were being taken out by this.

So they were able to do their bench marking pre AI and they're going to be wrapping up getting the AI infested everywhere and the purpose is to start getting the world under control. This is going to be a thought reform and a mind control issue and whichever party holds the key to the AI will have control over what people consume.

They will be able to control what new stories you got they will be able to control when you receive messages that are critical. That is if you only receive messages with an open mind while you're fresh in the morning but in the afternoon you always are grumpy and you decline the AI will be able to calculate that out and figure it out and decide when you should be giving a message that will benefit the country or whatever. It will be able to decide when you're going to be more receptive to it and in doing so, you will not even have a clue that you are actually being controlled as subliminal messaging gets introduced and basic psychology methodology is used in order to start to indoctrinate people without their knowing.

You can already see it in themes within the ads the way ads are being used and targeted to individuals we will have the same rough approximation with AI but it will be looking more at your behaviors and being able to profile you into a specific group of people so that way they know where the risks are.

As we get closer to 2050 suddenly we will need a major population reduction and covid part 3 will do just that. It will kill people in a big way over a span of 10 years. Reducing the population by billions. And at the same time the AI will be utilized to pacify people and to not give them the real picture of what is happening across the world. People will placidly go alone with their life not aware of how bad it truly is everywhere that is not just their city but everywhere it's terrible.

The AI will be used to control the population and keep them calm and keep them focused on the things that keep their brain numb enough not to notice what is happening. At the exact same time there will be a shift in government as the people will start to clamor for some security again as things are really clearly falling apart they will want to ensure that they have control.

The government will acquiesce to pressure and a world government will be put in place. This world government will be made up of an elite core group of people that already exist today. Where a lot of groups get it wrong though is that it's not a secret group of rich elites it's a secret group of women that run the show. There will be a conversion into a matriarchal society with feminism as the power chain.

It will not be visible, the men will still appear to be front and center but their controls will be the wives and the women behind them. They will truly could be calling the shot and they truly form the console of the world government. Society takes a major shift and men have a major change in their life ahead. This is a prophecy from the dark side the moon.


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